A Deep Dive (ha ha) into Japanese Breakfast's Bandcamp: Gaining Inspiration from Early Works

If you know me, you know I am a huge fan of Japanese Breakfast. Michelle Zauner is an incredible songwriter, musician, and composer, and I have been lucky enough to get to see her perform twice; the first time, I got to work tech for her solo performance at Brandeis APAHM!

As my own band, Sproutfit, works on recording our first album, I have been going through the majority of Japanese Breakfast's early discography, trying to glean a sense of how she got from recording a-song-a-day in the month of June to producing one of the most impressive albums I have ever heard with my own ears, Soft Sounds From Another Planet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20iCZeU35eQ&list=OLAK5uy_kvYKKaMlrdlcu49F4cjfa3julL2osOtNw.

Going through her early works, I found some beginnings of a couple of full-blown indie masterpieces I know and love, so if that's what you're into, here you go:


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